Can I Place My Order By Phone?
Yes, Please call (281) 346-1999
Why Can’t I Find My Pictures?
Pictures will be posted AFTER all pre-ordered pictures have been delivered to the school. Typically, 2 weeks from picture day.
Why Can’t I View Pictures Before I Buy?
Pre-pay prices and selection will be available for two business days after picture day. Images are NOT available for viewing during this time. All of our individual photos are 100% guaranteed. Approximately 2 weeks after picture day, images will be released to the website for late orders. Prepay prices and selection will not be available at that time.
Why is My Order Considered Late?
We provide prepay packets to the coaches prior to picture day to be handed out to the athletes. Our intention is for any orders to be made on or before picture day. If an athlete does not have a packet or prior order we provide them with a “Last Chance” business card as a reminder to go online to order pictures within one week. We honor the prepay prices for online orders placed up to two business days after picture day. We then process the pictures and return them to the school to be distributed by their coach. Any order after this time period is considered a LATE ORDER and will need to go through our online LATE ORDER process, click here.
Can I Have My Prepay Order Shipped Home Instead of Sending it to the School?
Yes, please include a $5.00 handling fee as well as your mailing address with your order.
I Don’t See the Product I Want to Order
If you do not see the products you want, please contact us with the school, sport, and year and we will get back to you. PLEASE NOTE – not all products are available on late orders.
How do I Order a Specialty Item Found on the Front of My Pre-pay Packet?
Click here to view the prices of the specialty items found on the front of the pre-pay picture packets. Please CLEARLY list all specialty items under ADD-ON items on your prepay order form.
Is a Package Purchase Required to Order A La Carte or Add-On Items?
You do not need to order a package prior to ordering “a la carte” or “add-on” items. Although the packages offer considerable savings, you may just order single pictures.
Are Composites Available on Late Orders?
Unfortunately, personalized products such as composites are not available on late orders.
My Event Was Just 1 Week Ago But it Says it is Closed Online
There is a period of time between when our pre-pay event closes and the late order event will open for a specific sport. Please check back about 2 weeks after picture day for any late orders.